C Introduction

C Introduction

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C Introduction

The C language learn is easy.

C Language is developed for creating system applications.

C language is knew as the base for other programming languages.

Features of C language :

  1. System Programing Language.
  2. Portable Pograming Language.
  3. Structured Programming Language.
  4. Middle Level Programming Language.

System Programing Language

C is used as a System Programing.

System Softwares are written in C language.

One of the advantage of c is that it is closer to the hardware.

Like : Drivers, kernels, OS(Operating System) and other Programes.

Portable Programing Language

In starting, When portable programing language was not exists then new code written for Every new system.

After Protable feature of C language programing become less Extra Work And less time consuming.

So, It had beacame too much popular.

Structured Programming Language

Structure means to divide a program into blocks and it may be easy to understand.

In C language, we divide the program into parts using functions.

By Structure Feature modification is easy in any programing block.

Middle Level Programming Language

C is Middle Level Programming Language.

But C uses both feature of low level and high level language.

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