Difference Between Mealy And Moore Counter

Difference Between Mealy And Moore Counter

Mealy and Moore circuits are very important for system design purposes because the speed, cost, and a number of states play a very important role in digital circuit design. Here we are going to explain the basic difference between them.

Moore Machine Mealy Machine
1. Output depends only on the present state. 1. Output depends on the present state and present input.
2. Output remains the same irrespective of the changes in input. 2. Output changes if the input changes.
3. More number of states are required. 3. Less number of states are required.
4. Less hardware requirement for the circuit implementation. 4. More hardware requirements for the circuit implementation.
5. Reacts faster to the input. 5. Reacts slower to the input(one clock cycle later).
6. Output values are placed on states. 6. Output values are placed on transitions.
7. Easy to design. 7. Difficult to design.
8. Output changes only after active clock edge. It means that output changes synchronously with the clock edge. 8. Output changes in between the clock edge when external input changes. It means that the output changes asynchronously with the enabling clock edge. 
9. Block diagram:

9. Block diagram:



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