Python Tuples

Python Tuples


  • Tuple is immutable.
  • It is declared with parenthesis ().
  • It is an ordered sequence of items same as a list.
  • They are similar to a list. The only difference between the two is that we can’t change elements of Tuple once it is assigned whereas, in a list, elements can be changed.
  • While giving a string as input, the comma after it is required or else it will become a string type instead of a Tuple.




Tuple Creation


01. Example

Tuple consists Number of Elements

tuple01 = (10,20,30)
print("Number Tuple: ",tuple01)


Number Tuple:  (10, 20, 30)


02. Example

Tuple consists of String Elements

tuple02 = ('Python', 'Java', 'Cpp')
print("String Tuple: ",tuple02)


String Tuple:  ('Python', 'Java', 'Cpp')


03. Example

Tuple consists of Mixed Data Type Elements

tuple03 = ('zeroones' , 500, 'Python') 
print("Mixed Tuple: ", tuple03)


Mixed Tuple:  ('zeroones', 500, 'Python')


04. Example

Tuple Consist Tuples(Nested Tuple)

tuple04 = (100,(10, 20, 30),('Python', 'Java', 'Cpp'),('zeroones',500 , 'Python'))  
print("Nested Tuple: ",tuple04)


tuple04 = (100,(10, 20, 30),('Python', 'Java', 'Cpp'),('zeroones',500 , 'Python'))  
print("Nested Tuple: ",tuple04)



NOTE: While giving a string as input, the comma after it is required or else it will become a string type instead of a Tuple.


01. Example

Type Tuple.

tuple01 = ('python','Java') 
print("Type Of Tuple: ", type(tuple01))


Type Of Tuple:  <class 'tuple'>


02. Example

Type Tuple.

tuple02 = ('python',) 
print("Type Of Tuple: ", type(tuple02))


Type Of Tuple:  <class 'tuple'>


03. Example

Type String.

tuple03 = ('python') 
print("Type Of Tuple: ", type(tuple03))


Type Of Tuple:  <class 'str'>



Accessing Tuple Elements Using Index


01. Example

First Element Of Tuple.

tuple01 = ('Python','Java','Cpp') 
print("First Element Of Tuple: ", tuple01[0])


First Element Of Tuple:  Python


02. Example

Last Element Of Tuple.

tuple01 = ('Python','Java','Cpp')
print("Last Element Of Tuple: ", tuple01[-1])


Last Element Of Tuple:  Cpp


03. Example

First Element Of Tuple.

tuple02 = (10,20,30) 
print("First Element Of Tuple: ", tuple02[0])


First Element Of Tuple:  10


04. Example

Last Element Of Tuple.

tuple02 = (10,20,30) 
print("Last Element Of Tuple: ", tuple02[-1])


Last Element Of Tuple:  30



 Accessing Tuple Elements Using Slicing


01. Example

Print Tuple elements from index 1 to 3 excluding the 4th index.

tuple01 = ('Python','Java','Cpp','JavaScript','Html','Css') 
print("Tuple Output: ", tuple01[1:4])


Tuple Output:  ('Java', 'Cpp', 'JavaScript')


02. Example

Print tuple elements from the start index to till the 3rd last element.

tuple01 = ('Python','Java','Cpp','JavaScript','Html','Css') 
print("Tuple Output: ", tuple01[:-3])


Tuple Output:  ('Python', 'Java', 'Cpp')


03. Example

Print all Elements Of Tuple.

tuple01 = ('Python','Java','Cpp','JavaScript','Html','Css') 
print("Tuple Output: ", tuple01[:])


Tuple Output:  ('Python', 'Java', 'Cpp', 'JavaScript', 'Html', 'Css')



Changing Tuple Elements

  •  Tuples are immutable . But if a tuple has some element that is a mutable data type, it can be changed.


01. Example

Error: ‘tuple’ object does not support item assignment

tuple01 = ('zeroones',['Python','Java','Cpp','JavaScript','Verilog','Vhdl']) 

print('Tuple Output: ',tuple01[0])
tuple01[0] = ''


Tuple Output:  zeroones
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 5, in <module>
TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment


02. Example

Tuple has mutable data type below, it can be changed.

tuple01 = ('zeroones',['Python','Java','Cpp','JavaScript','Verilog']) 

print('Tuple Output Before Change:n',tuple01[1])
tuple01[1][-2] = 'Vhdl'
print('nTuple Output After Change: n',tuple01[1])


Tuple Output Before Change:
['Python', 'Java', 'Cpp', 'JavaScript', 'Verilog']

Tuple Output After Change: 
['Python', 'Java', 'Cpp', 'Vhdl', 'Verilog']


03. Example

Tuple has mutable data type below, it can be changed.

tuple01 = (1000,[10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60]) 

print('Tuple Output Before Change:n',tuple01[1])
tuple01[1][-2] = 110
print('nTuple Output After Change: n',tuple01[1])


Tuple Output Before Change:
[10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60]

Tuple Output After Change: 
[10, 20, 30, 40, 110, 60]



Concatenating Tuples


01. Example

tuple01 = (10, 20, 30, 40) + (50, 60, 70, 80)
print('Tuple Output: ',tuple01)


Tuple Output:  (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80)


02. Example

tuple02 = ('Python','Java','Cpp') + ('JavaScript','Verilog','Vhdl')
print('Tuple Output: ',tuple02)


Tuple Output:  ('Python', 'Java', 'Cpp', 'JavaScript', 'Verilog', 'Vhdl')



Repeat Tuple Elements (* Operator)


01. Example

tuple01 = ((100,200)*2)
print('Tuple Output: ',tuple01)


Tuple Output:  (100, 200, 100, 200)


02. Example

tuple02 = (('Python','Java')*2)
print('Tuple Output: ',tuple02)


Tuple Output:  ('Python', 'Java', 'Python', 'Java')


03. Example

tuple03 = (('Python',)*2)
print('Tuple Output: ',tuple03)
print('Tuple Output: ',type(tuple03))


Tuple Output:  ('Python', 'Python')
Tuple Output:  <class 'tuple'>


04. Example

tuple04 = (('Python')*2)
print('Tuple Output: ',tuple04)
print('Type Of Tuple04: ',type(tuple04))


Tuple Output:  PythonPython
Type Of Tuple04:  <class 'str'>


05. Example

tuple05 = ((100)*2)
print('Tuple Output: ',tuple05)
print('Type Of Tuple05: ',type(tuple05))


Tuple Output:  200
Type Of Tuple05:  <class 'int'>



 Tuple Elements Deletion

  • We cannot change the elements in the tuple. that also means we can’t delete or remove items from the tuple.
  • Use del() function to delete Tuple(Not tuple elements).


01. Example

Tuple deletion is successful.

tuple01 = ('Python','Java','Cpp','JavaScript','Verilog') 
print('Tuple Before Deletion:n',tuple01)
print('nTuple After Deletion: n',tuple01)


Tuple Before Deletion:
 ('Python', 'Java', 'Cpp', 'JavaScript', 'Verilog')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 4, in <module>
NameError: name 'tuple01' is not defined


02. Example

Tuple does not support elements of Deletion.

tuple01 = ('Python','Java','Cpp','JavaScript','Verilog') 
print('Tuple Before Deletion:n',tuple01)


Tuple Before Deletion:
 ('Python', 'Java', 'Cpp', 'JavaScript', 'Verilog')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 3, in <module>
NameError: 'tuple' object doesn't support item deletion



Built-in Functions For Tuple

01. Example

len() function: count the number of elements of the tuple and return numerical value.

tuple01 = ('Python','Java','Cpp','JavaScript','Verilog')
tuple02 = (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60)

print('Tuple01 Length : ',len(tuple01))
print('Tuple02 Length: ',len(tuple02))


Tuple01 Length:  5
Tuple02 Length:  6


02. Example

count() function: return the repetition of a particular tuple element.

tuple01 = ('Python','Java','Python','Python','Verilog')
tuple02 = (10, 20, 20, 20, 60, 20, 80, 20, 40)

print('Python Word Count In Tuple01: ',tuple01.count("Python"))
print('20 Frequency In Tuple02: ',tuple02.count(20))


Python Word Count In Tuple01:  3
20 Frequency In Tuple02:  5


03. Example

index() function: returns the index of 1st occurrence of element.

tuple01 = ('Python','Java','Python','Python','Verilog')
tuple02 = (10, 20, 20, 20, 60, 20, 80, 20, 40)

print('Python Word 1st Occuring Index In Tuple01: ',tuple01.index("Python"))
print('20 Number 1st Occuring Index In Tuple02: ',tuple02.index(20))


Python Word 1st Occurrence Index In Tuple01: 0
20 Number 1st Occurrence Index In Tuple02: 1


04. Example

sorted() Function: It takes the element in a tuple and returns the new sorted list. It does not sort the tuple itself as tuples are immutable.

tuple01 = ('Python','Java','JavaScript','Vhdl','Verilog')
tuple02 = (40, 20, 50, 30, 10, 80, 70, 60)
print("Type Of tuple01 Before Sorting: ",type(tuple01))
print("Type Of tuple02 Before Sorting: ",type(tuple02))

sortTuple01 = sorted(tuple01)
sortTuple02 = sorted(tuple02)
print("nType Of sortTuple01 After Sorting:ntype:",type(sortTuple01),'nValue: ',sortTuple01)
print("nType Of sortTuple02 After Sorting:ntype:",type(sortTuple02),'nValue: ',sortTuple02)


Type Of tuple01 Before Sorting:  <class 'tuple'>
Type Of tuple02 Before Sorting:  <class 'tuple'>

Type Of sortTuple01 After Sorting:
type: <class 'list'> 
Value:  ['Java', 'JavaScript', 'Python', 'Verilog', 'Vhdl']

Type Of sortTuple02 After Sorting:
type: <class 'list'> 
Value:  [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80]


05. Example

max() function: return max value available of the tuple.

min() function: return min value available of tuple.

sum() function: return sum of all the elements of the tuple.

tuple01 = (40, 20, 50, 30, 10, 80, 70, 60)
print("Max Value In tuple01: ",max(tuple01))
print("Min Value In tuple01: ",min(tuple01))
print("Sum Of All Values Of tuple01: ",sum(tuple01))


Max Value In tuple01:  80
Min Value In tuple01:  10
Sum Of All Values Of tuple01:  360

06. Example

MEMBERSHIP: return the boolean value(True/False).

tuple01 = ('Python','Java','JavaScript','Vhdl','Verilog')
tuple02 = (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80)

print('Python' in tuple01)
print('python' in tuple01)
print(40 in tuple02)
print(100 in tuple02)




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