- We use while loop when we dont know the exact count of iteration for a particular condition.
While Loop Syntax:
As long as a condition is true , we can execute a set of statements with while loop.
while(condition): Statement(s)
01. Example
N=[10,20,30,40,50] product=1 index=0 while index<len(N): product = product*N[index] index+=1 print("Product is:{}".format(product))
Product is:12000000
Note:If we forget to increment index, the loop will continue forever , which is also known as infinite loop.
While Loop With Else:
The else part is executed if the condition in while loop evaluates to False.
N=[1,2,3] index=0 while index<len(N): print(N[index]) index+=1 else: print("No item left in list.")
1 2 3 No item left in list.
Break Statement With While:
The while loop can be terminated with break statement.
iteration = 10 while iteration < 20: print(iteration) if iteration == 13: break iteration += 1
10 11 12 13
Continue Statement With While:
We can stop the current iteration and continue with the next using continue statement.
iteration = 10 while iteration < 20: iteration += 1 if iteration == 13: continue print(iteration)
11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
While Loop As Single Line Statement:
N = 4 while(N>0): N = N - 1; print(N)
3 2 1 0
While Loops Examples:
01. Example
N = int(input ("Enter A Number To Print Table:")) counter = 1 print ("The Table of: ", N) while counter <= 10: print (N, 'x', counter, '=', N*counter) counter += 1
Enter A Number To Print Table:8 The Table of: 8 8 x 1 = 8 8 x 2 = 16 8 x 3 = 24 8 x 4 = 32 8 x 5 = 40 8 x 6 = 48 8 x 7 = 56 8 x 8 = 64 8 x 9 = 72 8 x 10 = 80
02. Example
N = int(input("Enter a number: ")) factorial = 1 counter = 1 while counter <= N: factorial = factorial * counter counter = counter + 1 print("Factorial of ", N, " is: ", factorial)
Enter a number: 8 Factorial of 8 is: 40320
03. Example
string = 'zeroones' counter = 0 while counter < len(string): if string[counter] == 'o' or string[counter] == 'e': counter += 1 continue print('Word :', string[counter]) counter += 1
Word : z Word : r Word : n Word : s