Two(2’s) complement is a very basic concept of digital electronics where we just convert a given binary into a 2’s complement. There is a specific process to find 2’s complement but here we are going to implement that digital electronics concept through Verilog, Which is very useful from a digital circuit design perspective. But let’s try to understand the process to convert simple binary into two’s complements.
Table Of Contents
Verilog Code:
module secondComplement(Yout, Number); input[5:0] Number; output [5:0] Yout; wire [5:0] t1; firstComplement FC(t1, Number); assign Yout = t1 + 1'b1; endmodule module firstComplement(Y0, Number); input[5:0] Number; output [5:0] Y0; assign Y0 = ~Number; endmodule
module secondComplementTB; reg[5:0] Num, Y; secondComplement DUT(.Yout(Y), .Number(Num)); initial begin #0 Num=6'b111111; #10 Num=6'b11010; #20 Num=6'b100011; #30 Num=6'b111100; end initial begin $monitor("input=%b, SecondComplement=%b", Num, Y); end endmodule
input=111111, SecondComplement=000001 input=011010, SecondComplement=100110 input=100011, SecondComplement=011101 input=111100, SecondComplement=000100