Semi-Custom ASICs: Design, Applications, and Advantages

Semi-custom Application-Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) represent a middle ground between fixed-function ICs and full-custom ASICs. They offer a balance of customization and efficiency by leveraging pre-designed and pre-verified building blocks while allowing for some degree of customization to meet specific application requirements.


Semi-custom ASICs are designed using a library of pre-defined and pre-verified standard cells, also known as cell-based ASIC design. These standard cells include basic logic gates (AND, OR, XOR, etc.), flip-flops, multiplexers, and other common logic elements. Designers use these cells as building blocks to create the desired functionality of the ASIC.

Key Components and Process

  1. Standard Cell Libraries: Semiconductor manufacturers provide libraries of standard cells that have been optimized for performance, power consumption, and area. These cells are characterized and validated, ensuring reliability and predictability in ASIC designs.

  2. Design Flow:

    • Design Entry: Engineers use hardware description languages (HDLs) such as Verilog or VHDL to describe the ASIC’s functionality.
    • Logic Synthesis: The HDL description is synthesized into a netlist, a representation of the ASIC’s logic using standard cells from the library.
    • Floorplanning and Placement: The synthesized netlist is mapped onto the ASIC’s layout, considering factors such as signal routing, power distribution, and heat dissipation.
    • Routing: Interconnects between standard cells are routed to optimize performance and minimize delays.
    • Physical Verification: The layout is verified to ensure compliance with design rules, such as spacing, alignment, and manufacturability.
    • Timing Closure: Timing analysis ensures that the design meets timing requirements, ensuring reliable operation across specified operating conditions.
  3. Customizable Elements:

    • Metal Layers: Semi-custom ASICs often allow customization of the top metal layers, where designers can route critical signals and adjust layout details to optimize performance.
    • I/O Pads: Input/output pads can be customized to meet specific voltage levels, communication protocols, and physical interface requirements.
    • Memory and Specialized Blocks: Some semi-custom ASICs include memory blocks (e.g., SRAM, ROM) or specialized functional blocks (e.g., DSP blocks, PLLs) that can be integrated and configured as needed.


  • Cost-Effective: Compared to full-custom ASICs, semi-custom designs typically have lower non-recurring engineering (NRE) costs. This makes them more accessible for medium to high-volume production runs.
  • Faster Time-to-Market: Leveraging pre-designed standard cells and libraries accelerates the design process compared to full-custom ASICs, reducing time-to-market.
  • Optimization: Semi-custom ASICs allow for optimization in terms of performance, power consumption, and area by selecting and configuring appropriate standard cells and customizing layout details.


Semi-custom ASICs find applications in various industries and technologies, including:

  • Microcontrollers: Customizable microcontrollers with specific peripheral interfaces and processing capabilities.
  • Signal Processing: ASICs designed for digital signal processing (DSP) applications, optimizing algorithms and performance for specific tasks.
  • Communication: Customizable communication chips for protocols such as Ethernet, USB, and wireless standards.
  • Sensor Interfaces: ASICs interfacing with sensors, converting analog signals to digital, and processing sensor data in real-time.


  • Design Complexity: While less complex than full-custom ASICs, designing semi-custom ASICs still requires expertise in ASIC design, verification, and physical layout.
  • Limited Customization: Semi-custom ASICs may have limitations in terms of customization compared to full-custom designs, particularly in achieving unique architectures or highly specialized functionalities.


Semi-custom ASICs strike a balance between customization and efficiency, making them suitable for applications requiring performance optimization without the high costs and long development times associated with full-custom ASICs. Leveraging standardized cell libraries and customization options, designers can create ASICs tailored to specific applications, meeting performance, power, and size requirements effectively. Understanding the capabilities and limitations of semi-custom ASICs is essential for choosing the optimal IC technology for diverse application needs.

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